Sunday, October 15, 2006


I'm just sitting here tonight, catching up and even getting a little ahead on some of my homework. I had one of the most stressful weeks ever since I started this semester, and I was just really down and discouraged. Homework not getting done, being away from home at Thanksgiving, the Pillsbury bubble, it all got me looking at my situation around me instead of looking upward, and it really sent me down. I felt so uneffective, so unspiritual, and so drained in every way. Last night, however, God just really picked me up from my mirey clay, and set my feet back on the Almighty Rock, my Jesus. I had such an encouraging talk with a couple of friends after work last night. We stayed out past one in the morning just talking about God and about dreams and about our futures, and about walking with Jesus. I think I had kinda lost sight of the fact that Jesus actually walks WITH me... not just God up in Heaven looking down on me, but God in Jesus taking me by the hand right where I am and saying, "come on, Sarah - let's do this together." How powerful is that?
So since I've had this wake-up call, I've been a lot more relaxed.. God will take care of me, in everything, because He's right here! He's involved in my life! He's leading me into great things - I just have to take His hand, lean into Him, and say, "Okay, Lord, take the lead. I'm ready to follow." How cool is that? Amen to that, I say!

Here's my friend's philosophy, and I think I'm going to use it:
1) Love God surpremely
2) Do right
3) Have a blast!

I think that about says it all..


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