You cannot possibly map out your own life.
Too many twists and turns, switchbacks, sometimes dead-ends.. so much happens and even more changes - then what?
Is there anything left to hold on to? Anything trustworthy in which to rest my soul?
I think the answer is very obvious for a Christian; however, I don't know that it's all that easy. It's not easy to give up things you hold so tightly onto - it's not easy to not know which way to go, which way is right. And it's not easy to give away your control. It requires having to put your trust in something else, something unknown and in a Person unseen.
But that's the beauty of faith - allowing that Someone Else to pattern your life, like clay becomes a vessel in the potter's hand. The clay is nothing but water and dirt without the Potter, but He has a grand design for it - it simply has to rest in His hands and allow the twisting and shaping, though rigid and rough as it may seem. Through this moulding, the clay will one day reflect the mind of the Designer. It doesn't need to worry about how it will turn out, or why it will be shaped the way He wishes - it only needs to accept that the Master knows the end from the beginning and allow Him to work, no matter the outcome.
The Potter's heart is poured into His creation, and He alone knows the best design.
That's something to rest in - that's something constant.