Friday, February 05, 2010

my cup of offering

Ministry isn't about being others-focused - it's about being God-focused. When our focus is on Him and our desire is Him, His love and His wisdom rain down on us, and spills over onto every aspect of our lives. Then, when others hurt us or disappointment comes, we are focused on our Savior that our ministry can continue, even through the hardest of circumstances.

In the past, my perspective has been people, and trying myself to be a part of their solution; however, when it all gets thrown back in my face, what then? Did I fail? Did God fail? If the problem isn't fixed (in my eyes) because of something I did or didn't do for that person, then I have the wrong perspective. I can't look at a person and base "success" in my ministering to them from his or her situation or decisions. I can only look to God and let Him guide me in His way for each opportunity He gives, and in each situation He places me. He calls me to be faithful to His cause - nothing more, nothing less. How unfathomable that He even chooses to use me as a vessel of His love and grace towards others!

We are ultimately not here to serve others - we are here to serve God. Ministry only happens to be a spilling over of our fervent endeavor to please the Almighty.
This is my ministry, my sacrifice of self - my life is His, for His glory.. because it's all about Him. ~Romans 12:1

Isaish 6:1-8