Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wounds of the Heart

Wounds of the heart are much like the physical wounds of the body.
You scrape your chin, and you try and fix it quick and run off again to play, hoping it will be alright.
But soon the wound opens again and you must go back and try and stop the bleeding again without properly caring for it, so it won't heal properly. You end up having the wound take longer to heal than if you cared for it right the first time.
Our wounds of the heart are much the same way.
We try and quick-fix our hurt when something bad happens in our lives. We brush away the tears, and go on our way, pretending like it didn't hurt so bad, hoping that will make it all go away.
But just like the body, heart wounds won't heal properly if we don't take care of it right the first time.
It's okay to cry. It's okay to let the tears flow. That is how a wound closes up - the blood that comes to the surface becomes the protecter of the wound, and makes a faster recovery.
I'm not saying never clean up the wound, or put medicine on it...You can't just let the blood pour down your chin, and forever cry "woe is me". You still need to treat the heart wound with the medicine of God's Word, just like you treat your scrape with disinfectant. But if you never let the blood create a scab, the scrape will too easily open up again.
If we don't let something heal properly, it will just keep opening up again, and will take much longer for the pain and scars to go away.
Don't let your wounds keep re-opening. Deal with it right the first time, so you don't keep having it keep coming open and making you miserable. Let yourself cry, and treat the hurt with the Comfort of God, His Word, so that the heart may heal itself faster, and close up the wound.
Don't try and quick-fix your hurt - don't try and pretend like it didn't happen, but don't let it fester and become an ugly spot in your life...Give it treatment, but also let it heal the way it's supposed to - with time. Give it that time, so that it won't keep re-opening. Keep it clean, and let it scab. Sure, it'll be ugly and painful for a while, but it won't last forever if it's properly taken care of.
{written a couple years ago.. after a scrape in the road}

Sunday, September 16, 2007


what day is today? a day for laughter, a day for loving, a day for worship.

as the season conforms to aging leaves and cool winds, and the aroma of autumn dances all around, the Lord uses this in my life to bring me back to a centre of contemplation, of solace. He uses this time of the year in so many ways in my life, as it has become my favourite of the seasons to show me His love and His work in my heart. I am reminded time and again of how big my God is and how wonderful and vast his power and love for me and His work in my being.

as i begin to focus in on what he has for me, His plans to use me on this campus and in my church, i begin to search for a passion and a direction in which He would lead. this semester, He has given me a cry in my heart, and that is people. He has convicted me of my terrible lack of a heart ministry, a ministry of faith in my life towards those who i see all around me every day, lost or not. i need to bring back that passion, that faith work in my life to be an encouragement and a help, to point others to the Sure Rock, my Jesus. may i be faithful to this calling and not slip into comfort, instead of working out my salvation with fear and trembling, and showing others what a difference Christ makes!

may i not settle for mediocrity. what day is today? a day to serve.