Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There's nothing quite like a calm spring night...

...when the moon sits peacefully in the sky while the lilacs bow their heads as in slumber, resting in a blanket of green while the sweet smell of their flowers bends through the air, carried by a soft night breeze under the quiet shimmer of stars.

It is here that I see most clearly the delicate care God takes in His creation. He carries the earth to sleep so gently, though who would ever know at such an hour? It is here that I see God's hand reaching down to tuck in the flowers, the birds in their nests, the wind as it drifts away, and then me. He smiles at His creation, and I too feel the corners of my mouth crease upward as I come inside to rest for the night as well, safely centered in His perfect, ever-caring, everlasting arms.

Matthew 6:25-33

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I've been working through the book of Romans, because I have to teach it for the first time soon. I didn't know why God decided that this was something I could do, but here it is and here I am; praise Him for His ability to empower me to speak truth! But the best thing about teaching something is what it teaches you in the process. I can almost never get past the first chapter without getting on my knees and begging my Lord to give me the kind of heart Paul has for people.

Romans 1:16 states, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." This verse cries out to me every time I read through Romans; however, this last time when preparing to teach it (and with missions conference in the not-so-distant past), it hit me in an even bigger way. In the past, I have been so struck by the courage of Paul, how he could so boldly share the Gospel to those he came in contact with. Why was he not afraid of rejection, of persecution, of scorn? However, the power source of his courage is what became so beautifully prominent this time as I read:

"For it is the power of God unto salvation..."

The Gospel saves! IT IS the power! Of course Paul was excited to proclaim this message - the message that brought him life is the message that brings life to all who call upon Him! How could he be ashamed of that truth? How can we be ashamed of this truth? This message brings life and courage - it changes lives, and makes new; it brings death to life, heals the broken, and fills the empty. Christ died for all, and in accepting His gift through faith and repentance, the Holy Spirit fills us and makes us His own, as joint-heirs with Christ. Life eternal... what a gift!

What a beautiful message - what a beautiful Savior. I am not ashamed.

Isaiah 55:1-2

Monday, March 08, 2010

being godly..

"Be ye holy as I am holy"
~ I Peter 1:16

Sometimes we make our Christian lives so complicated. We draw up our 3-point outlines, wax eloquent about our theological pontifications, and create our petty notions of what's really important. We don't argue over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin anymore, but sometimes I think we disguise it in other topics of daily "Christian" conversation. However, I was sitting in church, finding my mind doing its own dancing with the theological ramifications of something or other and complicating the situation further with my own "wisdom," when God, in His still small voice, said to me so clearly, "Be godly, Sarah."

So often we try so hard to sound spiritually intelligent to ourselves as we struggle through understanding situations in our lives (at least I find myself doing this more often than I'd like to admit). But the point isn't to
sound godly - the point is to be godly. It was so refreshing to be reminded from Scripture that what God wants from His children is holiness. It's not an easy task, but it is a simple command. Around all our other elaborate theological efforts lies this founding truth - Be like Him. Be godly. Live as He would live, in His standard, for His glory.
And the even more refreshing thing about it? It's GOD'S work in us! Our responsibility as His children is to surrender control, and then He does the rest. The Holy Spirit provides the power and the ability to do right. He wasn't sent to DO our Christianity for us, but to CONTROL our lives for His purposes. We are simply His vessels, His workmanship. Then when it's His work, it's effective and it's powerful!

While still sitting there in church, I was reminded of a leadership retreat I went on back in high school. We were all sitting around the campfire and our teacher asked us what plans we had for life, where we saw ourselves going and/or what we wanted to do. When the question came to me, I remember saying that I wasn't sure what God had vocationally for my future, but I did know that I wanted to be a godly woman. I wanted Christ to so reign in my life that people could see His reflection in me. That is still my prayer. I want to be godly. Every day, step by step, His power of righteousness should abound in me (John 14:17b; 2 Tim. 2:20-25), and the other things, while I still actively pursue the truth, will be founded in His righteousness as I act out His will for my life.

My one focus is to follow Him, wholly and unreservedly. Everything else works out for His purposes as I reflect Him, my all in all. As I am filled with the Holy Spirit's empowering ability, I walk in godliness.


2 Corinthians 5:9 May I please Him in all I do and say.

Friday, February 05, 2010

my cup of offering

Ministry isn't about being others-focused - it's about being God-focused. When our focus is on Him and our desire is Him, His love and His wisdom rain down on us, and spills over onto every aspect of our lives. Then, when others hurt us or disappointment comes, we are focused on our Savior that our ministry can continue, even through the hardest of circumstances.

In the past, my perspective has been people, and trying myself to be a part of their solution; however, when it all gets thrown back in my face, what then? Did I fail? Did God fail? If the problem isn't fixed (in my eyes) because of something I did or didn't do for that person, then I have the wrong perspective. I can't look at a person and base "success" in my ministering to them from his or her situation or decisions. I can only look to God and let Him guide me in His way for each opportunity He gives, and in each situation He places me. He calls me to be faithful to His cause - nothing more, nothing less. How unfathomable that He even chooses to use me as a vessel of His love and grace towards others!

We are ultimately not here to serve others - we are here to serve God. Ministry only happens to be a spilling over of our fervent endeavor to please the Almighty.
This is my ministry, my sacrifice of self - my life is His, for His glory.. because it's all about Him. ~Romans 12:1

Isaish 6:1-8