Romans 1:16 states, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." This verse cries out to me every time I read through Romans; however, this last time when preparing to teach it (and with missions conference in the not-so-distant past), it hit me in an even bigger way. In the past, I have been so struck by the courage of Paul, how he could so boldly share the Gospel to those he came in contact with. Why was he not afraid of rejection, of persecution, of scorn? However, the power source of his courage is what became so beautifully prominent this time as I read:
"For it is the power of God unto salvation..."
The Gospel saves! IT IS the power! Of course Paul was excited to proclaim this message - the message that brought him life is the message that brings life to all who call upon Him! How could he be ashamed of that truth? How can we be ashamed of this truth? This message brings life and courage - it changes lives, and makes new; it brings death to life, heals the broken, and fills the empty. Christ died for all, and in accepting His gift through faith and repentance, the Holy Spirit fills us and makes us His own, as joint-heirs with Christ. Life eternal... what a gift!
What a beautiful message - what a beautiful Savior. I am not ashamed.
Isaiah 55:1-2