Sunday, October 01, 2006


So today was pretty much awesome. God really convicted me about being stuck in my own comfort zone here at school, and taking a back seat and letting others lead. I wasn't really asked to lead here, so I just stepped back and let those who stuck out more lead. I got lazy, pretty much. I got a fairly apathetic outlook on campus life and stepped away from the leadership role God had been cultivating in me all those years of growing up. I feel like I've taken so many steps backwards coming here, as far as being a leader and being challenged and working out my faith. It's so embarrassing to admit, but it's true.

God continually amazes me. He has just so gripped my heart that I couldn't not respond, and yet it was so gentle and soft, almost like a whisper. I had been ignoring that whisper for a while, but when I heard it again this time, it was so powerful. Amazing how such a still small voice can do so much to you! And it's amazing that the God whose voice breaks the cedars and trembles the entire earth, used a whisper to get my attention. It was so clear, too . . . it was just like, "Sarah, you're done sitting on the bleachers, watching others lead. I made you to be a leader, now lead. We'll do it together, don't worry, but you just need to follow me, and that means getting motivated to serve me in whatever way I see fit", and I said, "okay, Lord, I'm listening! Do what you will.. I'm following." I don't know how God is going to use me, but I'm here and willing.. scared to death, but I do it in His strength, and He is Almighty God, who has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind! (2 Tim 1:7)

I am so glad God is patient with us. His grace is overwhelming. Now may I bestow the same kind of grace on others, before I go judging them or getting frustrated with them. My focus needs to be on my Saviour, and whao He would want me to be, and what He wants me to do.

It's all about Him!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you! So glad to hear about all the things God is doing in your life! :) I miss you muchly too! You really need to come visit! ;) We had some crazy awesome times!

You need to e-mail me sometime and let me know what's up with you! :)

Your cuz, (and loyal mascot, Skippy the one eyed Rottweiler!)
Lori :)